Amy Sidrane Impressionist Painter

Palos Verdes Peninsula, California 90274

About the company

Amy E. Sidrane was born in Hartford, Connecticut. She began studying art as a scholarship student with the renowned Russian Impressionist, Sergei Bongart, whom she credits for providing her with a strong traditional foundation in aesthetics. For the next several years, she developed her own unique style based on personal observation and studying from life, painting on location in both the United States and abroad. In 1998, Amy was awarded the gold medal for landscape painting at the prestigious Gold Medal Exhibition sponsored by the California Art Club, (est. 1909).

During the many years of artistic study, landscape painting has risen to be a personal passion. Complementing her painting passion is her deep understanding and concern for responsible conservation. “I paint not only to cultivate my own artistic nature but also to bring attention to our need as a community to protect our fragile and vulnerable undeveloped landscape.”

As a member of the Portuguese Bend Artist Colony, Sidrane exhibits her paintings with this distinguished group and is immersed in organizing their annual exhibition that benefits the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy.