Disc Traction Therapeutic Belt for Alleviation of Lower Back Pain

P.O. Box 9415
Laguna Beach, California 92652

(877) 761 - 9245


About the company

How It Works

The method is simple, based on the principle of action and reaction. Downward force applied on the handles of the DISC-TRACTION® therapeutic back belt creates an opposite effect, the uplifting and stretching of the low and midback, thus relieving pressure on the vertebrae and decompressing discs and joint structures that support the spinal column.

Our chiropractic advisory group, made up of practicing chiropractors, has also found the belt to be extremely beneficial when used as a support for the sacroilliac joint. A set of Isometric Exercises has been developed for use with the back belt, that combined with deep breathing facilitate muscle relaxation and blood circulation in the lower back. Following the exercises on a regular basis can help relieve back pain and prevent back pain. Click here to see our exercises in action. See for yourself how easy DISC-TRACTION® therapeutic back belt is to use.

The use of DISC-TRACTION® therapeutic back belt to stretch your back is beneficial in controlling and preventing pain and improving mobility, flexibility, posture and alignment.